Release Notes for TrueZIP 6.6

(April 3rd, 2007)


New Introduces a new feature.
Fixed Introduces a bug fix of an existing feature.
Enhanced Introduces the enhancement of an existing feature. This update is fully backwards compatible.
Changed Introduces the change of an existing feature. This update may cause backwards incompatibilities .
Deprecated Introduces the deprecation of an existing feature.

List of Updates (Change Log)

Following is an overview of all updates in this release which affect the public API. Please note that internal refactorings are not listed. For a full list of updates, please refer to the CVS repository and diff to the tag TrueZIP-6_5_4.

Cross Package Updates

  1. Enhanced: Javadoc here and there.

Updates in the Package

  1. Fixed: TarEntry now initializes the size property with UNKNOWN and protects the time property against erratical subclassing.
  2. Enhanced: The TarDriver class now accept a single integer argument in a newly added constructor to set the compression level.

Updates in the Package

  1. Enhanced: Removed redundant IOException declaration from constructor signature in OdfOutputArchive.
  2. Enhanced: All driver classes now accept a single integer argument in a newly added constructor to set the compression level.

Updates in the Package

  1. New: The class Temps has been introduced as a central utility to create temporary files and to control their directory on a per-class-loader basis.
  2. New: The class SuffixSet is a convenient and powerful means to operate with expressions such as "ear|jar|war|zip".

Updates in the Package de.schlichtherle.util

  1. New: The class CanonicalStringSet is the general purpose base class for

Updates in the Package

  1. Enhanced: BasicZipOutputStream now writes 6.3 as the "Version Made By" field in order to indicate that it uses the General Bit 11 is used to flag UTF-8 encoding according to the PKZIP spec version 6.3.