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BasicFeedback - Class in de.schlichtherle.truezip.key.pbe.swing
Provides run by beeping using the default toolkit.
BasicFeedback() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.truezip.key.pbe.swing.BasicFeedback
BasicInvalidKeyFeedback - Class in de.schlichtherle.truezip.key.pbe.swing
Provides run by beeping using the default toolkit and disabling the default button in the root pane for SafeKeyProvider.MIN_KEY_RETRY_DELAY milliseconds when prompting for a key and the last input was invalid.
BasicInvalidKeyFeedback() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.truezip.key.pbe.swing.BasicInvalidKeyFeedback
BasicInvalidKeyFeedback(int) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.truezip.key.pbe.swing.BasicInvalidKeyFeedback
Constructs a new run.
BasicUnknownKeyFeedback - Class in de.schlichtherle.truezip.key.pbe.swing
Behaves exactly like its base class, but implements the unknown key run interface, too.
BasicUnknownKeyFeedback() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.truezip.key.pbe.swing.BasicUnknownKeyFeedback
bind(InputSocket<?>) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.truezip.socket.InputSocket
Binds this socket to given socket by inheriting its peer target.
bind(OutputSocket<?>) - Method in class de.schlichtherle.truezip.socket.OutputSocket
Binds this socket to given socket by inheriting its peer target.
BitField<E extends Enum<E>> - Class in de.schlichtherle.truezip.util
A type-safe, immutable set of enums which emulates the concept of a bit field, i.e.
BitFieldBeanInfo - Class in de.schlichtherle.truezip.util
Provides a persistence delegate to support XMLEncoder/XMLDecoder.
BitFieldBeanInfo() - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.truezip.util.BitFieldBeanInfo
blockCounter - Variable in class de.schlichtherle.truezip.crypto.SICSeekableBlockCipher
blockSize - Variable in class de.schlichtherle.truezip.crypto.SICSeekableBlockCipher
Buffer(IOPool.Entry<E>) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.truezip.fs.inst.InstrumentingIOPool.Buffer
BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class de.schlichtherle.truezip.fs.archive.tar.TarBZip2Driver
The buffer size used for reading and writing.
BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class de.schlichtherle.truezip.fs.archive.tar.TarGZipDriver
The buffer size used for reading and writing.
BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class de.schlichtherle.truezip.fs.archive.tar.TarXZDriver
The buffer size used for reading and writing.
BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class
The buffer size used for reading and writing, which is 8192.
BufferedPartialBlockCipher - Class in de.schlichtherle.truezip.crypto
A buffered block cipher which allows a partial block when calling BufferedBlockCipher.doFinal(byte[], int).
BufferedPartialBlockCipher(BlockCipher) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.truezip.crypto.BufferedPartialBlockCipher
BufferedReadOnlyFile - Class in de.schlichtherle.truezip.rof
A ReadOnlyFile implementation which provides buffered random read only access to another ReadOnlyFile.
BufferedReadOnlyFile(File) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.truezip.rof.BufferedReadOnlyFile
Constructs a new buffered read only file.
BufferedReadOnlyFile(File, int) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.truezip.rof.BufferedReadOnlyFile
Constructs a new buffered read only file.
BufferedReadOnlyFile(ReadOnlyFile) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.truezip.rof.BufferedReadOnlyFile
Constructs a new buffered read only file.
BufferedReadOnlyFile(ReadOnlyFile, int) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.truezip.rof.BufferedReadOnlyFile
Constructs a new buffered read only file.
busy() - Method in class
Returns true if and only if this ZIP file is busy reading one or more entries.
busy() - Method in class
ByteArrayReadOnlyFile - Class in de.schlichtherle.truezip.rof
A read only file which reads from a byte array provided to its constructor.
ByteArrayReadOnlyFile(byte[]) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.truezip.rof.ByteArrayReadOnlyFile
Constructs a new byte array read only file.
ByteArrayReadOnlyFile(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class de.schlichtherle.truezip.rof.ByteArrayReadOnlyFile
Constructs a new byte array read only file.
BZIP2 - Static variable in class
Method for BZIP2 compressed entries.
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TrueZIP 7.7.10

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