Nzip - a Comprehensive Command Line Utility

The Nzip command line utility implemented by the class showcases the power of the TrueZIP File* API.

This is a comprehensive command line utility which allows you to work with entries in any archive file supported by an archive driver (ZIP, TAR, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2 and relatives) using Unix like commands (cat, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, mkdirs, ls, ll , llr , touch etc). You can use this utility to conveniently copy entire directory trees into an archive file or from an archive file or any other virtual or non-virtual directory.

Setting The Stage

Before the examples are shown below, a little preparation is required in order to make it easier to start the utility class from the command line. With plain Java, you would have to start the utility class with a command like this:

$ java -jar truezip-7.7.10-jar-with-dependencies.jar %ARGS%

Where %ARGS% is a variable for arbitrary command line arguments - see below. This example uses TrueZIP's all-in-one JAR.

However, on Windows we would like to use something like this instead:

$ nzip.cmd %ARGS%

This can be done by copying the following script file with the name nzip.cmd in some directory on your %PATH%:

@echo off

rem set PROPS=-Djava.awt.headless=true
rem set
set JAR=%USERPROFILE%\.m2\repository\de\schlichtherle\truezip\truezip-samples\7.7.10\truezip-samples-7.7.10-jar-with-dependencies.jar

java %PROPS% -jar "%JAR%" %*

On Unix/Linux, this should be a bash script with the name nzip - I leave this as an exercise to you, however.


Following are some examples using the Nzip command line utility class. If you need help with the available commands and options, just run the Nzip command line utility class without parameters. It will print some help on standard error output then.

Command Description
nzip.cmd ll truezip-7.7.10-jar-with-dependencies.jar Prints a detailed listing of the contents of the root directory of the JAR file from which the tool is actually running.
nzip.cmd llr truezip-7.7.10-jar-with-dependencies.jar Prints a recursive long listing of the contents of the root directory of the JAR file from which the tool is actually running.
nzip.cmd cp truezip-7.7.10-jar-with-dependencies.jar/de/schlichtherle/truezip/sample/file/app/Nzip.class Copies the file entry de/schlichtherle/truezip/sample/file/app/Nzip.class from the distribution JAR into the ZIP file
nzip.cmd rm Removes the file entry Nzip.class from
nzip.cmd rmr Recursively removes the directory entry de from
nzip.cmd mkdir Creates the new ZIP file in the existing ZIP file Remember that this API treats archive files like directories, so you can simply create a ZIP file by calling the mkdir() method on a File object.
nzip.cmd mkdirs Creates the new directory a containing the new ZIP file, containing the new directory c containing the new ZIP file within the existing
nzip.cmd rm Removes the empty ZIP file Note that similar to regular directories, this succeeds on empty ZIP files only.
nzip.cmd touch Updates the last modification time of the existing ZIP file to the current time. Note that if the given file does not exist, it is created as a plain file - you cannot create ZIP files using this method (use mkdir instead).
nzip.cmd mv . Moves the entry Nzip.class from the ZIP file to the current directory . .

Note: Although TrueZIP has been designed to provide optimum performance, the Nzip utility is a feature showcase which cannot serve as a performance benchmark: The utility uses some optional archive drivers which are not normally used but provide extra safety and extra features at the price of performance, such as CRC-32 checking, scanning .exe files for self extracting ZIP files, etc. Furthermore, the start time of a JVM makes Java almost useless for short running command line utilities anyway.

Of course, you can substitute the .zip suffix in the examples above with any other canonical file type suffix recognized by the archive file drivers which are available on the run time class path (.ear, .jar, .war, .tar, .tgz, .tar.gz, .tb2, .tbz, .tar.bz2, .tzp, .zip.rae, .zip.raes).

For example, if you would like to use RAES encrypted ZIP files you would simply name the suffix .tzp in a path. So in order to copy the directory directory to an RAES encrypted ZIP file safe.tzp, you could run:

$ nzip.cmd cp directory safe.tzp

If you want to copy a plain file file instead, then run:

$ nzip.cmd cp file safe.tzp/file

New Options for ZIP Files

In TrueZIP 7.1 and 7.3, new options have been added to the cp command, primarily in order to support new options for ZIP files.

Use the following option in order to create a ZIP entry which is encrypted according to the WinZip AES encryption specification.

$ nzip.cmd cp -encrypt file

Use the following option in order to append a ZIP entry to the end of an existing ZIP file rather than reassembling the ZIP file. This might come in handy if the ZIP file is rather large compared to the single entry to add.

$ nzip.cmd cp -grow file

Sometimes you might want to use the STORED method rather than the DEFLATED method when writing an entry to a ZIP file. There's an option for this, too:

$ nzip.cmd cp -store file

For completeness, there's also an option to use the DEFLATED method. This is the default however, so you don't need to specify it:

$ nzip.cmd cp -compress file